soul academy

Soul Academy is a deep dive into the heart and science of the soul, designed to empower individuals seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and their soul’s purpose. Join the community designed to educate and inspire authentic and aligned living.

After two near death experiences, Sara Jayne is passionate about sharing her insights gained from dying… and coming back.

Soul Academy was created as a platform to educate about the soul and inspire you to live your authentic life - one that is lived fully connected to your Soul Consciousness, and not just limited to the consciousness of the mind.

At Soul Academy, we believe that understanding Soul Consciousness is key to living a life aligned with your soul’s true meaning and purpose, and we’re here to help you dial in.

“Being able to view my life through the lens of my soul, rather than simply seeing through my human eyes, has transformed how I live my life. To perceive what our eyes cannot, I believe, is a superpower we can all learn to cultivate, and one that enables you to live your authentic life - one that is fully connected to your soul purpose and meaning.”

Sara Jayne

how to get involved

enrol in Evolve

Release. Re-evaulate. Reconnect. Reinvest. Reignite.

Soul Academy’s signature course combines lessons in mind, body and soul, to help unveil the life you are here to live. Online Program coming soon.

1 on 1 consults

In these sessions, Sara combines her expertise in meditation and mindfulness, along with her knowledge on the soul, to uncover your life lessons, soul meaning and purpose.

Soul 2 Soul conversations

Join Sara Jayne and bestselling author Karina Machado in conversations that take a deep dive into the very heart and soul of life.